Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's Make a Snowman

I picked up the book Max & Mo Let's Make a Snowman by Patricia Lakin at our school book fair because I loved it's simple illustrations and step-by-step directions for making a snowman. The students loved the book & now they are asking me to get hamsters as class pets!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Speech Wreath

I was going to wait until December to start doing holiday crafts with my students...but I couldn't wait & today my artic groups made these holiday speech wreaths:
You can download the speech wreath template (for free of course!) in my TPT store:

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Rice Krispy Turkey

Just wanted to share a picture of this cocoa krispy turkey. I'll be making these with my students tomorrow. It is a fun and easy way for me to target following directions and prepositions on the last day of school before the holiday break!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Irregular Centerpiece

My school has a big Thanksgiving feast each year. Parents are invited and teachers are encouraged to make decorations with the students. We decided to make a turkey centerpiece using styrofoam balls and construction paper feathers. I gave my 3rd graders irregular verb cards and had them write the words on the paper feathers (present tense on one side, past tense on the other). Add a little paint, hot glue, and a clay beak and we had one adorable little turkey!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Turkey Talk (my first blog post!!)

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly spend any more time looking at speech therapy blogs, I have decided to start my own. We'll see how often I am actually able to post between writing IEPs, seeing students, and spending time with my family. 

November is my favorite month and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I am excited to start my blog now. I have lots of cute, festive activities planned.

Like every SLP, I'm always looking for ways to make articulation therapy fun for the kids while getting as many trials as possible in my 30 minute session. 

For this activity, I had students glue a piece of cereal onto the turkey each time they practiced their sound. 

Thanks for reading my first blog post! Happy November everyone!
