Monday, March 24, 2014

Easter Egg EET

I know a lot of SLPs use the Expanding Expression Tool (EET) in their therapy rooms. It is such a great kit!  I've also seen a lot of SLPs make their own mini-versions of the EET strand for their students to use. Consonantly Speaking has a blog post about this you might want to check out.

Since Easter is just around the corner, I have been trying to incorporate all things springy and Eastery into my therapy sessions. I decided to create an Easter version of the EET strand! It turned out adorable if I do say so myself:

Please excuse the blurriness of this picture - my 6 year old is my photographer!

Anyway, in order to create your own Easter EET, you'll need to pick up a few kinds of eggs. The traditional colored plastic eggs can be found anywhere. I got the white eggs at Walmart, and the wooden one at JoAnn Fabric. You'll also need a sharpie and an old egg carton. 

Since there are 7 EET balls/eggs, you'll need to modify your egg carton a bit. First, cut the carton in half so you have one row of six egg-holders. Then, cut apart one little section and hot glue it to the set of six so that you end up with a row of seven. Like this: 

Then, you'll need to use your sharpie to add an eye to one of the white eggs, a question mark to the orange egg, and a smiley face to the green egg. 

Then, just arrange them in the egg carton! That's it! A super cute, festive, Eastery EET!